Dictionary Terms And Grammar Advice

Asimakhtar.com strives to help people improve their writing, with accurate definitions and explanations.

With thousands of dictionary articles and words, we aim to help you succeed

Asim Akhtar Blog

Work Faster And Save Time

We help you stay educated on grammar and writing mistakes:

1. Writing Advice

Asim Akhtar helps give you advice on writing content faster.

From marketing to SEO articles and blog posts, we'll help you save time.

2. Grammar Tips

We have thousands of articles on grammar tips, and common corrections.

These help you work smarter, not harder.

3. English Mistakes

We have dozens of resources for English language learners.

We've partnered with speed writing tools to help you write faster, without the headaches.

Grammar Tips For Writing

Write Better Today

The Asim Akhtar blog is filled with writing tips and advice and information:

With grammar rules to help you write your best, wherever you write.

Why Our Readers Appreciate Us

We offer writing advice on thousands of topics, from grammar mistakes to blog post writing.


Very easy to access and follow

“Your blog is very easy to read, unlike most others which are too long or don't break up the information. This helps me with my writing a lot”


Good advice here

“I've been making some of these mistakes for years!”


Very useful blog articles

“I read some of these articles frequently and they are very helpful for me learning English”

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Do you have any writing tools?

Yes. To support our writing and research, we've partnered with some writing softwares to help you write quicker.

You don't have to use these to access any of our information online.

Can I contact you for writing help?

We don't have a large enough team to provide support, as we're not a large organization.

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